Residents of Oshiyie, near Kokrobite in the Greater Accra Region, are fleeing the community following renewed chieftaincy disputes that have claimed one life.
The situation in the community is one of anxiety and uncertainty, as Class News sources reveal the area is gradually becoming a ghost town.
You will recall that in February this year, a similar incident occurred in that community with life grinding to a halt as children could not go to school after bloody clashes resulted in one death, and injured scores.
The situation this time round is no different as the residents have started fleeing the town to Kokrobite, Bortianor and other places.
An Assemblyman in the area, Rockson Saka Allotey, said he was called in the morning of Thursday, August 17, at 9am “and was informed that it has happened again and one person has passed away”.
He said the disputes have existed for more than 17 years between two factions who claim legitimacy to the stool.
He said the situation is worrying and threatens security in the area. The matter has been reported to the police who have deployed men to the area as investigation commence concerning the murder.