The annual consumer price inflation fell to 11.9 per cent in July from 12.1 per cent in June, Acting Government Statistician, Baah Wadieh revealed on Wednesday, August 9, 2017.
The monthly change rate for July 2017 was 0.7 per cent compared to the 0.9 per cent recorded for June 2017, down by 0.2 percentage point.
The food and non-alcoholic beverages group recorded a year-on-year inflation rate of 7.2 per cent. This is 1.0 percentage point higher than the rate recorded in June.
Transport recorded the highest inflation rate of 22.0 per cent followed by recreation and culture with 19.2 per cent.
Inflation was lowest in the housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels subgroup (6.2 per cent)
Greater Accra and Upper West regions recorded the highest year-on-year inflation rate of 12.7 per cent, followed by Western and Brong Ahafo with 12.2 per cent each, while the Upper East region recorded the lowest year-on-year inflation of 8.6 per cent in July 2017.