There is heavy police presence at Avenor in the Greater Accra Region following bloody clashes between two factions over a patch of land on Wednesday night.
“We have been able to stabilise the situation and restored law and order. We engaged the community leaders and drew a line that should they cross it, this is what we are going to do. The way they were pouring petrol and circling it around the station, it could cause mass murder because of the travellers and we are determine to protect travellers and all manner of people doing business there,” Chief Superintended Kwesi Ofori, Director of Operations at the Accra Regional Police command said on Thursday, August 3.
Scores of armed police with rifles have been stationed in the area to monitor the situation.
The neglect of a quit order to spare parts dealers on the disputed land is believed to have sparked the riots.
A car parked at a nearby washing bay was vandalised and set ablaze. Two people were injured in the disturbances.
The police say they have engaged the groups involved in the dispute and advised them to seek redress in court.
Source: Ghana/AccraFM.com