A group that calls itself Movement for the Kingdom Image (MFKI) has expressed disappointment in the Christian Council of Ghana (CCG) and the Ghana Charismatic Churches Association (GCCH) over their silence on Bishop Daniel Obinim’s flogging of a pregnant girl and her boyfriend in church with a belt for having pre-marital sex.
Obinim, who is the founder and head pastor of the International God’s Way Church, on live TV kept chastising and asking the young lovers if they were “stupid” as he repeatedly flogged them in front of the entire church with a belt.
At a point, his wife Florence was seen intervening and pleading for mercy on behalf of the two, but the controversial bishop was intent on disciplining the fornicators.
MFKI said in its statement that Christian groups in the country have failed to call Bishop Obinim to order especially when he had been engaged in similar incidents in the past.
The statement issued by president of MFKI, Osempakani Kaakyire, said: “We think the council has failed in bringing sanity into the church and [it is] behaving like a toothless gatekeeper of the kingdom of God on earth”.
“There have been several cases where Bishop Daniel Obinim … put the name of God to public ridicule in the name of performing miracles but the Christian Council of Ghana and the Ghana Charismatic Churches Association have failed to take any disciplinary measures against him.
“We want the Christian Council of Ghana and the Ghana Charismatic Churches Association to immediately sanction him before he introduces any satanic doctrine in the church. The council must be proactive; they are too inactive.”
Source: Ghana/AccraFM.com