The Office of Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has announced that the venue for Thursday’s public lecture has been moved from the Accra International Conference as earlier advertised to the National Theatre, Accra.
A statement released by the office of the running mate to the flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) stated: “The change in venue follows a decision by the mangers of the Conference Centre (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to deny organisers of the programme the use of the facility 24 hours to the public lecture, despite earlier assurances and two days of technical meetings and arrangements between the organisers and technical men at the Centre, which concluded on among others, the technical set-up for the evening.”
It added: “Despite the setback, we (organisers) will like to assure the general public that everything is set for the lecture at the National Theatre tomorrow on the theme: ‘The State of the Ghanaian Economy – A Foundation of Concrete of Straw.’”
Source: Ghana/