All the sex videos being circulated on social media purportedly of ‘Galamsey Queen’ Asia Huang and his alleged Ghanaian partners with which she has been blackmailing “powerful” politicians in the country, are fake, editor-in-chief of the New Crusading Guide newspaper Abdul-Malik Kweku Baako Jr has said.
“I’ve seen all sorts of videos on social media, they’re all fake; take it from me. All those videos on social media are fake, they are fabricated, they have absolutely nothing to do with what I said …” Kweku Baako said on Saturday 13 May on Multi TV’s news analysis programme Newsfile.
Some sex clips and pictures started making the rounds on social media after Mr Baako revealed last week Saturday, 6 May that Ms Huang, who is currently in prison custody together with four Chinese accomplices for engaging in illegal small-scale mining in Ghana, has been blackmailing big men in both the previous and current governments with sex tapes, thus, the inability of officialdom to bring her to book.
“This particular Chinese woman, I have it on record, was arrested three times during the previous administration and three times she was released. She is a very powerful woman who operates more within the Ashanti Region, especially Kumasi. She’s got connections from my own checks also in this administration. She appears to be a very smooth operative.
“She’s built a network across the political divide. She’s got her agents placed in state institutions particularly the security agencies and she’s able to wriggle herself out of danger or trouble anytime she’s touched. I hope it doesn’t happen this time round.
“…She’s got accomplices – the other one is called Monica, the other the name has slipped me because it’s a Chinese name. Part of their strength is that they built up a certain system of blackmailing. They are women so I’m not going to use certain words, I’m not going to say certain things. As to when they came into town, what they intend to do, who they were, what they were, had nothing to do with galamsey, but gradually they moved from that particular trade into galamsey.
“They have video and audio recordings of people who are powerful, videos of people who we have entrusted with responsibilities to protect us as a people. That’s how dangerous the game is and that is where the strength and power of these Chinese women are coming from,” Mr Baako revealed last week Saturday.
Asked what the videos contain, Mr Baako said: “They have them in videos containing sex. They have video and audio recordings of their conversations with some strategically placed persons from then and now and some they are having sex with. Also, they have girls, some mainly Chinese who they brought into town to sleep with these big men well placed and they use it to blackmail our big men into submission,” Mr Baako said last week.
Simon Osei-Mensah and Mahama Ayariga disclaimers
The Republic newspaper even named Ashanti Regional Minister Simon Osei-Mensah as being one of those “powerful” men that are “cosy” with Ms Huang. He has demanded a retraction and apology from the paper over the publication.
Also there were rumours that one of the males in one of the sex videos bore a striking resemblance of Bawku Central MP Mahama Ayariga.
The lawmaker issued a disclaimer saying: “I have become aware of the circulation of a video on social media purportedly showing me engaged in a sexual intercourse with a lady of Asian origin. Those involved in this dastardly and barbaric act seem to suggest that I provided the lady and her company with a licence to engage in “galamsey” mining during my tenure as the Minister of Environment, Science Technology and Innovation in exchange for sexual favours.
“I categorically deny the mindless suggestion that I am the male actor in the video and all the inferences it draws. Those who orchestrated this agenda and promoted it have only succeeded in giving us a glimpse of the crude and the unfulfilled lives they live.
“I want to assure the people of Bawku and Ghanaians that I am grateful and respect the opportunity they have given me to serve as their Member of Parliament and the different portfolios I was privileged to work in. The thought that I serve at the behest of the people never departs me, it is what informs and drives every decision I make; this will not change.
“In accordance with my Islamic faith, I forgive the architects of this video and agenda, I see these orchestrations as negative campaigning against targeted opponents and an evidence of our debased politics,” he added.
Source: Ghana/