Suppliers of food and other consumables to the Accra Psychiatric Hospital have cut down quotas to the facility following its failure to pay huge debts owed them, a situation which has compelled the hospital to start turning away new patients, Medical Director, Dr Pinamang Apaw, has said.
According to her, the hospital owes suppliers GHS4million, an amount it was struggling to pay.
Speaking in an interview with Chief Jerry Forson, host of Ghana Yensom on Accra100.5FM, Dr Apaw said the hospital, since July 1, had been surviving on the benevolence of some religious organisations and individuals.
“…From 1 July, we have been using consumables that were donated by Ghanaians and organisations as well as churches. We have written to the Mental Health Authority and the Ministry of Health but we are yet to receive any response from them,” she said.
Source: Ghana/