The founder of True Word Prophetic Fire Ministries, Prophet Nigel Gaisie went off on a media personality on Saturday, September 16.
This heated exchange ensued on Accra-based UTV where the popular preacher fumed over what he perceived as disrespect towards him during a discussion.
During a phone-in conversation on the United Showbiz program, Nigel was asked to provide clarification about his prophecies concerning a certain ‘Sherif Black’ whom he had mentioned as having evil forces surrounding him.
The pastor had earlier posted on social media about seeing an inauspicious vision of the rapper and urged his family to pray for him.
“Let the family of *Sheriff Black*…PRAY FOR HIM AND TALK TO HIM DEEPLY, I DIDN’T LIKE WHAT I SAW ABOUT HIM SOME FEW MINUTES AGO…..Life Is PRICELESS. I saw the mother crying uncontrollably *** (if nothing is done about this, Ghana will not hear good news before December),” the posts read.
Nigel, in response to the criticism he has received from the public for predicting doom for Black Sherif, said he was referring to a specific individual named ‘Sherif Black’.
He told the panel that “with prophecies, we see and prophesy in bits, I didn’t hear Black Sherif, I heard Sherif Black.
“I saw Sherif Black in the spirit. But whichever way it is, a sensible person can make deductions from it.”
“Prophecies come figuratively, so if there is anything close to anything about or close to me, I can take steps. It is better safe than sorry and people in the arts after anything is said about them have often attacked the clergy,” he stated.
One of the panelists, MC Yaa Yeboah found this justification laughable and an unsuccessful attempt at taking Ghanaians for a ride.
“In the Bible, Paul said when I was a child, I behaved like a child and now that I am old, I behave like an adult. And when we called him on this show to speak and clarify things, he spoke childishly. There’s no sense in what he said.

According to her, the Prophet backtracked because of the Police’s recent caution against doom prophecies.
“Who is Sheriff Black? Do you know any popular person called by that name? The government spoke against doom prophecies last year and I am sure that is why he is scared to mention Black Sherif’s name outright. He has to be invited for him to come and clarify his statement,” MC Yaa Yaboah retorted.
The Prophet would, however, have none of that as he called back into the show with a rebuttal.
A clearly displeased Nigel Gaisie said the panelist’s remarks amounted to disrespectful.
He characterized her entire statement, including the way she addressed him by his first name, as lacking in honour.
“She is speaking her mind but she shouldn’t disrespect me. I don’t think she can speak about her pastor the way she is speaking to me. And McGee, you have given her the platform to disrespect me. Give honour to whom honour is due. Don’t be mischievous. With the greatest of respect.
“She is disrespecting me. How can you tell me, a pastor, someone’s father that one is senseless? Don’t call me Nigel on this platform. I have people like her in my church who call me father. She is not a Muslim; she is a Christian” he fumed.